Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursdays are just the day before Friday...

Today is another Thursday. When I wake up on Thursdays, I'm excited because the next day is Friday. I love Fridays. I've always loved Fridays... I guess most people do. Fridays signify the beginning of the weekend, obviously, but for me there's a sense of excitement -- even if it just means that my husband is home and not going to work. For me this is one of life's simple pleasures.

In today's ever sinking economy, stress and struggles, it's imperative to look at what's right in front of you and find some joy -- even if it's just the fact that today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday. Live your Thursday in the same excitement as you live your Friday. Find the joy in each day of the week, one day at a time. Don't live in tomorrow. It's when we live in tomorrow that we lose so much time and miss what we were given for today. This isn't profound. I haven't stumbled upon some lost truth, but it is good to be reminded. If you're like me, you forget. It's easy to forget.

Remember to tell someone how much you appreciate him or her. Give someone a hug. Write someone an old fashioned letter or just sent an email. Bring joy to someone else, and joy will be returned to you in the most unexpected circumstances. Find something to be thankful for -- your health, your family, your ability to smile. Allow time to be grateful. It'll be good for you... and me.

Happy Thursday.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We Will, We Will, Rock You (huuh), Rock You, (huuh)

This morning, I'm listening to one of my twins, pound the couch to the beat of Queen's anthem We Will, We Will, Rock You! Brennan is my kid with rhythm and then some. So far this morning, I've grooved to the beat of Queen and listened to repeated renditions of Ode to Joy on the recorder. The recorder, mind you, is not a flute. I think if it were, it would be much more enjoyable to listen to. As it is, it's a little high pitched for me, especially in the morning while opening email.

Waking up to my email, tweets and FB, I was especially interested in what Seth Godin had to say about Amazon's Kindle. While I don't own a Kindle myself, I would echo his sentiments on that regard ( If Amazon tackled this fantastic marketing strategies, I would own a Kindle myself. Seth's suggestions seem to focus on not just the reader/consumer but also on the publisher/author, etc. If Amazon keeps the publisher/author in the loop, neither stands to lose as much as artists/songwriters did when music went digital. Let's face it -- we are a digital world, a digital community, and we like things that we can get fast and free... but at what expense? The music business has suffered for years. Perhaps, rightly so in some respects, but in others, it's been way too much -- way too much stealing, etc. Putting the digital book together in a way that respects and furthers a love for reading without sacrificing those who labored to put the work together, is only fair and right and sets a course for the digital movement to move in a better direction. Kudos, Seth. I hope Amazon is listening. Perhaps, there is still hope for music. We can learn from our mistakes.

Speaking of music, we are now on to the beat of distant showers running upstairs, dogs wrestling in the den and little girls chatting about how cute each looks this morning... there's no price for music like that. Time to make more breakfast...