Thanksgiving at my mom's table, is, first and foremost, a time for reflecting and for giving thanks for our blessings. Every year, we stand holding hands in a circle around the dining room table. From person-to-person, each of us shares something that he or she is thankful for. Tears of joy and gratitude are shared, hearts are open and love fills the room to a palpable level. While sharing can make our invited guests a bit nervous :>), inevitably, blessing occurs for everyone present. The children even participate and are often the ones who shed tears because of their tender, vulnerable hearts.
We end our time of sharing with a reflection and scripture from Mom while Dad closes us in a prayer of thanks.
This Thanksgiving, I want to share with each of you how thankful I am for how you have touched my life in one way or another. While I won't be able to look each of you in the eye around the Thanksgiving table, I do want to personally thank you for the gift that each of you is to me -- whether you're a friend, relative, stranger, blog follower.
God called us all together for a reason. Each of you is uniquely and divinely made; called according to His purposes in Christ Jesus, bought with a price and branded with His love, which does not change like the shifting shadows or the changing seasons. No matter our condition, God's promise is Love without condition.
I pray that each one of you will take time this Thanksgiving to recount your blessings, to spend time in Sabbath and rest, to mend broken relationships, to get lost or to be found, to pay attention, to wake up to God, to be comfortable in your skin, to walk on the Earth, to encounter others, to live with purpose and to be grateful for a Love that will NOT let you go.
Life is about more than turkey... even tho the turkey is really yummy!