Wednesday, September 23, 2009


One of my favorite things about my home is our view. We live on a westward facing hill with magnificent views of the sunset. I never get tired of watching the sun sink behind the hilltops.

The colors range from muted lavenders to brilliant orange and red. Sometimes the warmth of the colors is so intense that you can not only see the glow, but you can feel the glow inside the house.

The whole house seems to change, light up and take on an almost ethereal feeling.

The children have come to love the sunset as well. Often times, I will hear one of them squeal, come see the sun! I've also had the kids run to get me before I missed the light show.

It's hard for me to not think of the book Prince of Tides when I see the sunset. The children in the story are sitting on the end of the dock with their mom watching the sunset into the water. As the sun disappears into the sea, one of the children exclaims, "Do it again, Mommy. Do it again."

There are many a day when I want to say to the Father, "Do it again, Daddy. Do it again." The sunset from my porch is a constant reminder of God's warmth... His strong arms wrapped around my frail body and soul... radiant, intense, unmistakably the work of the Master's hands.

Several years ago, my house was glowing one evening. The kids, Don and I were all sitting down to dinner when the phone rang.

When I answered the phone, it was my friend, Tammy. Tammy lives several miles away on a hill that faces East and looks right toward my house. Although, our houses were just small dots in the distance, they were, nonetheless, recognizable.

At any rate, Tammy called and said, "What's it like? The sunset... it must be incredible. Your house is glowing." It was incredible that night... so incredible that my friend was moved to call to hear about the beauty. She could see the evidence but not the source.

We walk in a world where sometimes the evidence is all we have. We need others to share their joy and love with us as reminders that our Source is Jesus. The evidence of His hand is everywhere. Sometimes we just have to open our eyes.

I am blessed that God gives me a daily reminder of His presence. I see Him in the sunset. I feel Him. I know He is standing next to me putting on an amazing light show... in that moment, just for me.

"Do it again, Daddy! Do it again."